
Blackberry Pronounce it: blak-bear-ee A purply black-coloured berry comprising many individual seed-containing fruits surrounding a cone-shaped core. Wonderfully juicy, they’re good raw (straight from the hedge!) or cooked and are bursting with vitamin C. Wild,…

Broad bean

Broad bean Pronounce it: braw-d be-en A member of the legume family, broad beans are pretty hardy and adaptable – they grow in most soils and climates. They’re a great source of protein and carbohydrates,…

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary Pronounce it: blud-ee meah-ree Reliably considered the best possible cure for a hangover, this long tomato juice and vodka-based drink might actually work. First, it is restoring some of the hydration that drinking…

Bramley apple

Bramley apple Pronounce it: bram-lee app-el A large, flattish cooking apple, green in appearance but sometimes with specks of red. The flesh is white, juicy and acidic and when boiled it turns into a frothy…