Articles by admin



Sweetcorn Pronounce it: sw-eet corn Also known as corn on the cob, sweetcorn is composed of rows of tightly packed golden yellow kernels, growing along a tough central core. When ripe, the kernels are sweet…

Linseed (also flaxseed)

Linseed (also flaxseed)

Linseed (also flaxseed) Pronounce it: lin-seed Linseed is the small, reddish-brown or golden-yellow seed of the common flax plant, linum usitatissimum, exactly the same plant as is used to grow the fibre from which true…



Pasta Pronounce it: pah-stah Pasta is the Italian name for Italy’s version of a basic foodstuff which is made in many countries by mixing a fine flour of ground grain with water to create a…



Plum Pronounce it: pl-um The juiciest fruit in the stone fruit family, plums come in many different varieties, some sweet, some slightly more tart. All plums however have certain characteristics in common, with smooth, richly…



Redcurrant Pronounce it: red-cur-rant These shiny little berries grow low on bushes, hanging from the branches like rows of miniature gems. Their flavour is a little tart but they’re still sweet enough to be eaten…


Carrot Pronounce it: ka-rot The carrot, with its distinctive bright orange colour, is one of the most versatile root vegetables around – a result of its sweet flavour, which means it can be used raw…



Cashew Pronounce it: ka-shoo The seeds from the ‘Cashew Apple’ – a tree which bears bright orange fruit and is native to Brazil and the West Indies. They have a sweet flavour and crumbly texture…