

Parsley Pronounce it: par-slee One of the most ubiquitous herbs in British cookery, parsley is also popular in European and Middle Eastern food. The traditional British choice is curly parsley, but flat leaved (Continental) parsley…


Buckwheat Pronounce it: buhk-weet Buckwheat actually comes from the seeds of a plant distantly related to rhubarb and is neither related to wheat, nor, technically, a grain.  It is usually found in ground form, but can also be bought…



Celery Pronounce it: sell-er-ee A collection of long, thick, juicy stalks around a central, tender heart, celery ranges in colour from white to green – the darker its colour, the stonger its flavour. It has…


Gooseberry Pronounce it: gooz-bear-ree The size of large grapes, but with a more spherical shape, gooseberries are related to the blackcurrant, and have been a popular British fruit since as far back as Elizabethan times….



Lentils Pronounce it: len-til The lentil plant (Lens Culinaris) originates from Asia and North Africa and is one of our oldest sources of food. A cousin to the pea and a rich provider of protein…



Sweat Pronounce it: sw-ett To cook food, generally vegetables, over a low heat, using a small amount of fat (vegan butter is often used, or a half-half mix of vegan butter and olive oil). This…

Broad bean

Broad bean Pronounce it: braw-d be-en A member of the legume family, broad beans are pretty hardy and adaptable – they grow in most soils and climates. They’re a great source of protein and carbohydrates,…


Gochujang Gochujang is a Korean condiment with a sweet-hot-salty flavour made from red chillies, fermented soybeans, glutinous rice and salt. These ingredients are ground to form a thick red paste that is traditionally used as…


Brandy Pronounce it: bran-dee Brandy is a distilled spirit made from virtually any fermented fruit or starchy vegetable. Distilling concentrates and helps purify the ethanol alcohol created by the fermentation; ethanol is an intoxicant used…

Thai curry paste

Thai curry paste

Thai curry paste Many Thai and Thai-inspired dishes start with a highly flavoured paste. These are made from a mixture of ingredients, which are ground or blended together. The type of dish or curry intended…