Jalapeno pepper
Jalapeno pepper Pronounce it: ha-la-pee-no pep-per A member of the capsicum family, jalapeƱo chillies range from moderately to very hot. Originating from South America, they are about 4cm long, dark green when young and scarlet…
Jalapeno pepper Pronounce it: ha-la-pee-no pep-per A member of the capsicum family, jalapeƱo chillies range from moderately to very hot. Originating from South America, they are about 4cm long, dark green when young and scarlet…
Couscous Pronounce it: koos-koos Consisting of many tiny granules made from steamed and dried durum wheat, couscous has become a popular alternative to rice and pasta. It has a light fluffy texture which is a…
Sumac Pronounce it: soo-mak This wine-coloured ground spice is one of the most useful but least known and most underappreciated. Made from dried berries, it has an appealing lemon-lime tartness that can be widely used. In…
Julienne Pronounce it: joo-lee-en To cut vegetables into matchsticks-shaped pieces for use mainly as a garnish. To julienne, vegetables should be peeled and cut across into pieces about 5cm long. If necessary, curved sides should…
Damson Pronounce it: dam-sun A small fruit with vibrant dark blue skin and a strong, sour flavour, damsons are similar to plums and a member of the rose family. They have a large stone and…
Cider Pronounce it: si-der Cider is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented juice of apples. Apple orchards were first established by the Romans, however it was the Normans who introduced actual cider making to…
Cranberry A tart, ruby-red coloured berry which grows wild on shrubs throughout northern Europe and North America. High in vitamins C and D, potassium and iron they are believed to be a natural remedy for…
Balsamic vinegar Pronounce it: bal-sam-ick vin-ee-gah True Balsamic vinegar is an artisan product from Modena, in Emilia Romagna, Italy, and is made with grape must (juice) that is simmered to make a concentrate, allowed to…
Brandy Pronounce it: bran-dee Brandy is a distilled spirit made from virtually any fermented fruit or starchy vegetable. Distilling concentrates and helps purify the ethanol alcohol created by the fermentation; ethanol is an intoxicant used…
Bramley apple Pronounce it: bram-lee app-el A large, flattish cooking apple, green in appearance but sometimes with specks of red. The flesh is white, juicy and acidic and when boiled it turns into a frothy…