Oats Pronounce it: ohtz Oats are processed by rolling (steamed and pressed) or steel-cutting (cut into pieces). There is little difference nutritionally between the two styles, but steel-cut oats do take longer to cook. Although…
Oats Pronounce it: ohtz Oats are processed by rolling (steamed and pressed) or steel-cutting (cut into pieces). There is little difference nutritionally between the two styles, but steel-cut oats do take longer to cook. Although…
Broad bean Pronounce it: braw-d be-en A member of the legume family, broad beans are pretty hardy and adaptable – they grow in most soils and climates. They’re a great source of protein and carbohydrates,…
Noble grape Pronounce it: no-ble grayp In the competitive, commercial world of wine, some grape varieties are more equal than others – the traditional varietals of the classic grape growing regions – and these are…
X.O cognac Pronounce it: exx-oh con-yak Created in 1870 for the personal use of Maurice Hennessy and his family and friends, X.O is a type of distilled wine and is widely considered the ultimate in…
Mojito Pronounce it: maw-hee-taw From nowhere to everywhere, the mojito is currently ruling the roost in pubs, bars and clubs. Perhaps this is because it is long, clear, bubbly and clean tasting and because the…
Pronounce it: cab-er-nay sew-vin-yon The global classic Cabernet Sauvignon can fairly claim to be the most noble of the noble great varieties. Wherever in the world winemakers have wanted to produce their versions of the…
Bloody Mary Pronounce it: blud-ee meah-ree Reliably considered the best possible cure for a hangover, this long tomato juice and vodka-based drink might actually work. First, it is restoring some of the hydration that drinking…
Thai curry paste Many Thai and Thai-inspired dishes start with a highly flavoured paste. These are made from a mixture of ingredients, which are ground or blended together. The type of dish or curry intended…
Fenugreek seed Pronounce it: fenn-you-greek seed A popular seed in Indian cookery, in which it’s termed methi, this small, hard, mustard yellow seed has a tangy, bitter, burnt-sugar flavour. The herb of the same name…
Sauvignon Blanc Pronounce it: sew-vin-yon blonk Mouthwatering and fresh When the world got tired of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc was ready to step into its shoes. The producers of New Zealand led the charge with their…