Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc Pronounce it: shen-in blonk Can be sensational Chenin Blanc could easily be classified as one of the great ‘noble’ grapes. That’s because all around the world, in different climates and soils, it can…
Chenin Blanc Pronounce it: shen-in blonk Can be sensational Chenin Blanc could easily be classified as one of the great ‘noble’ grapes. That’s because all around the world, in different climates and soils, it can…
Zest Pronounce it: ze-st Zest is a verb, ‘to zest’, and also word used to describe the outermost skin layer of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes. The coloured part of the skin…
Soy sauce Pronounce it: soy sor-s An Asian condiment and ingredient that comes in a variety of of varieties ranging from light to dark, and thick to light. It is made from soya beans and…
Wasabi Pronounce it: wah-sarb-ee The Japanese answer to horseradish, wasabi is related to watercress and grows in a similar way, with its roots in water. The root is pale green in colour, and either grated…
Paprika Pronounce it: pa-preek-ah A spice that’s central to Hungarian cuisine, paprika is made by drying a particular type of sweet pepper, then grinding them to a fine, rich red powder. Its flavour varies from…
Make a vegan pesto to add to pasta, pizzas, salads and sandwiches. It will keep in the fridge for up to a week
Spinach Pronounce it: spin-atch Used in almost every cuisine across the world, spinach is an enormously popular green vegetable. The leaves can be either flat or slightly ruffled, and are a bright green when young,…
Spring greens Pronounce it: sp-ring gr-eens Spring greens are the first cabbages of the year. They have fresh, loose heads without the hard heart of other cabbages. Availability Spring greens are at their peak from…
Cavolo nero Pronounce it: ca-voll-oh nee-ro A loose-leafed cabbage from Tuscany, Italy. The leaves are a very dark green, almost black, hence its name, which translates as ‘black cabbage’. It has a pleasantly tangy, bitter…
Sauvignon Blanc Pronounce it: sew-vin-yon blonk Mouthwatering and fresh When the world got tired of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc was ready to step into its shoes. The producers of New Zealand led the charge with their…