

Sorbet Pronounce it: saw-bay Sorbet is a non-dairy, frozen dessert based on puréed fruit or on fruit juice mixed with water and sugar. It should be very finely grained and have no large crystals of…



Maca Pronounce it: makka A root native to Peru, maca grows in a variety of colours and each is said to offer different health benefits. It is available dried in individual types or mixed together…



Lemon Pronounce it: le-mon Oval in shape, with a pronouced bulge on one end, lemons are one of the most versatile fruits around, and contain a high level of Vitamin C. Although the juicy yellow…



Turnip Pronounce it: tern-ip Turnips are creamy-white with a lovely purple, red or greenish upper part where the taproot has been exposed to sunlight. Like swedes, turnips are a root vegetable and member of the…



Tabbouleh Pronounce it: tab-oo-lay Originally from Lebanon, but now popular throughout the Middle East, tabbouleh is a salad made from bulghur wheat (tender, chewy wheat kernels that have been steamed, dried and crushed), tomatoes, onion,…



Oregano Pronounce it: or-ee-gar-no Closely related to marjoram, of which it is the wild equivalent, oregano has a coarser, more robust flavour with a hint of thyme, and a warm aroma. Oregano goes particularly well…


Kamut Pronounce it: Kah-moot Kamut (Khorasan wheat) is an ancient variety of hard wheat, with a kernel that is twice the size of common wheat and a taste that is richer, creamier and nuttier.  It is…

Vegan pesto

Vegan pesto

Make a vegan pesto to add to pasta, pizzas, salads and sandwiches. It will keep in the fridge for up to a week

  • Prep: 5 mins Cook: 2 mins
  • Easy
  • Makes 1 x 250g jar
  • 574



Swede Pronounce it: sw-ee-d A member of the cabbage family, the swede is often confused with the turnip, though they look quite different. It’s also known as yellow turnip, Swedish turnip and Russian turnip and,…



Cashew Pronounce it: ka-shoo The seeds from the ‘Cashew Apple’ – a tree which bears bright orange fruit and is native to Brazil and the West Indies. They have a sweet flavour and crumbly texture…