Kumquat Pronounce it: kum-kwot It looks like a small, oval orange, but the kumquat, which originates in Asia, is a member of another species, fortunella. The flesh of a kumquat is quite dry and has…
Kumquat Pronounce it: kum-kwot It looks like a small, oval orange, but the kumquat, which originates in Asia, is a member of another species, fortunella. The flesh of a kumquat is quite dry and has…
Lime leaf Pronounce it: ly-m leef Lime leaves are obtained from the kaffir lime, which is not a true lime at all but rather a subspecies of the citrus family. Used widely in south-east Asian…
Arrowroot powder Pronounce it: a-row-root Arrowroot powder is a type of starch that can be used instead of cornflour in many ways, including baking, but is most appreciated as a thickener of liquids because it…
Fennel bulb Like Marmite, fennel is something that you either love or hate – its strong aniseed flavour leaves no room for the middle ground. From the same family as the herb and seed of…
Flour Pronounce it: fl-ow-er Flour is a powdery ingredient usually made from grinding wheat, maize, rye, barley or rice. As the main ingredient in bread, it is one of the most common and sought-after ingredients…
Nectarine Pronounce it: nek-tar-een A smooth-skinned variety of peach native to China, similarly flavoured to peaches with slightly more acidity. The flesh is light pink, yellow or white and is delicate and sweet.Nectarines are high…
Xylitol Xylitol is an all-natural alternative to sugar. The substance derives from the fibres of plants and can be extracted from a variety of vegetation including berries, mushrooms, birch bark and corn husks. It’s also…
Barbera Pronounce it: bar-bare-ah Pizza house star This is probably the first red wine anyone drinks in an Italian restaurant or pizza place. That’s because it can be cheap and very cheerful. The red, juicy…
Cider Pronounce it: si-der Cider is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented juice of apples. Apple orchards were first established by the Romans, however it was the Normans who introduced actual cider making to…
Red cabbage Pronounce it: red cab-idge A favourite winter vegetable served hot with roasted game birds but equally good as a colourful and gratifying addition to any hot meal. It is usually long cooked with…