Pomegranate Pronounce it: pom-ee-gran-at Now mainly grown in America, Spain, the Middle East and India, pomegranates originated in the area from Northern India to Iran. They have a round shape, like an apple, with a…
Pomegranate Pronounce it: pom-ee-gran-at Now mainly grown in America, Spain, the Middle East and India, pomegranates originated in the area from Northern India to Iran. They have a round shape, like an apple, with a…
Cider Pronounce it: si-der Cider is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented juice of apples. Apple orchards were first established by the Romans, however it was the Normans who introduced actual cider making to…
Red cabbage Pronounce it: red cab-idge A favourite winter vegetable served hot with roasted game birds but equally good as a colourful and gratifying addition to any hot meal. It is usually long cooked with…
Parsnip Pronounce it: par-snip The fact that the parsnip is a member of the carrot family comes as no surprise – it looks just like one, aside from its creamy white colour. It has an…
Arborio rice Pronounce it: ahh-bore-e-o rice The high-starch kernels of this northern Italian-grown grain are shorter and plumper than any other short-grain rice. When cooked the grains become soft in texture with a chalky centre….
Miso Pronounce it: mee-soh One of the best-loved and most delicious fermented foods, miso is a Japanese flavouring made by the action of fermenting steamed soy beans with salt and the fungus aspergillus oryzae (kōji). It…
Maple syrup Pronounce it: may-pul sir-rup The rising spring sap of a number of varieties of maple tree native to northeast America, mainly in Canada but also in such US states as Vermont. The syrup…
Chicory Pronounce it: chik-or-ee Also known as endive, chicory is a forced crop, grown in complete darkness, which accounts for its blanched white, yellow-tipped leaves. It has a distinctive, cigar-like shape, about 12cm long, and…
Molasses Pronounce it: moh-lassiz More commonly known as treacle or black treacle or, in the US as blackstrap molasses, molasses are essentially what is left over after cane sugar is boiled to produce sugar and…
Walnut Pronounce it: wall-nut Walnuts are one of the most popular and versatile of all nuts. When picked young, they’re known as wet and their milky white kernels are mainly used for pickling. Far more…