Pronounce it: noh-kee
An Italian dumpling made with semolina, flour, potatoes or ricotta and spinach cooked and eaten in much the same way as pasta. Gnocchi is usually hand-shaped into shells, ovals or flat discs.
Make it yourself or buy fit loose from a delicatessan counter.
Choose the best
Gnocchi that is light and fresh looking without a greyish tinge.
Prepare it
Poach gnocchi in batches in a pan of lightly salted water for 2-4 minutes. Cooked gnocchi will float to the top. Strain and serve immediately with a good pasta sauce.
Store it
Store in a plastic bag in the fridge for up to three days.
Cook it
Delicious served with blue cheese and parmesan, a rich tomato sauce or pesto. Also makes a great accompinament to meaty stews.
Try ravioli or pasta.
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