

Pronounce it: black-cuh-rant

The most intensely coloured and flavoured of all currants, blackcurrants are highly aromatic and have a delicious tart flavour.

Recent research findings suggest that eating blackcurrants can help prevent the onset of Alzheimers disease.


Blackcurrants are at their peak in June and July. You can buy frozen blackcurrants year-round.

Choose the best

Look for plump, firm currants with shiny, unbroken skins.

Prepare it

Strip the currants from their stalks. Add raw to fruits salads if they are not too tart or cook in a little water with sugar to taste. Do not overcook or they will lose their fresh flavour.

Store it

Can be kept in the fridge for several days. Suitable for freezing.

Cook it

As blackcurrant juice, jam, tisane, jelly and in crème de cassis liquer.


Try redcurrant or pinkcurrant.

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