Turmeric Pronounce it: term-er-ik Turmeric is a fragrant, bright golden-yellow root that is most commonly seen and used dried and ground. Although sometimes suggested as an alternative to saffron, these flavours have nothing in common,…
Turmeric Pronounce it: term-er-ik Turmeric is a fragrant, bright golden-yellow root that is most commonly seen and used dried and ground. Although sometimes suggested as an alternative to saffron, these flavours have nothing in common,…
Tortilla Pronounce it: tor-tee-ya In Spain, a tortilla is a kind of omelette, with ingredients added – frequently sliced cooked potato and onion. However, over in Mexico, a tortilla is a kind of flat unleavened…
Tomato Pronounce it: toe-mart-oh A member of the nightshade family (along with aubergines, peppers and chillies), tomatoes are in fact a fruit, but their affinity for other savoury ingredients means that they are usually classed…
Tahini Pronounce it: ta-hee-nee Also known as tahina, this finely ground paste of husked and roasted sesame seeds is an absolutely basic ingredient and flavouring of Middle Eastern foods. It can be used in savoury…
Tamarind Pronounce it: tam-ah-rin-d A seed pod from the tamarind tree that is used extensively in South-East Asian and Indian cooking to flavour curries, chutneys and bean dishes. Tamarind has a unique sweet and sour…
Thai curry paste Many Thai and Thai-inspired dishes start with a highly flavoured paste. These are made from a mixture of ingredients, which are ground or blended together. The type of dish or curry intended…
Teff This tiny grass seed is a staple food in Ethiopia and Eritrea. The seeds produce a harvest proportionally hundreds of times greater than wheat or other staple grains. This, combined with its ability to…