Tamari Pronounce it: tam-aree Tamari is a Japanese version of soy sauce, the main difference being that it contains little or no wheat and thus little or no gluten, something that will be apparent on…
Read MoreTamari Pronounce it: tam-aree Tamari is a Japanese version of soy sauce, the main difference being that it contains little or no wheat and thus little or no gluten, something that will be apparent on…
Read MoreToffee Pronounce it: toff-ee There are few secrets to toffee. It is simply sugar that has been heated until caramelised, to a lesser or greater degree, and then allowed to cool and set. Depending on…
Tannin Pronounce it: tah-nin Tannins are found in the skins, pips and stems of grapes. They add a texture in your mouth which is like the drying effect on your gums of stewed tea. In…
Turnip Pronounce it: tern-ip Turnips are creamy-white with a lovely purple, red or greenish upper part where the taproot has been exposed to sunlight. Like swedes, turnips are a root vegetable and member of the…
Tempranillo Pronounce it: tem-pra-nee-yo Spain’s Don Juan Tempranillo is THE red grape of Spain. Central Spain uses it to make bright, juicy reds for drinking now – great low-priced party wines. Further North the same…
Turmeric Pronounce it: term-er-ik Turmeric is a fragrant, bright golden-yellow root that is most commonly seen and used dried and ground. Although sometimes suggested as an alternative to saffron, these flavours have nothing in common,…
Tortilla Pronounce it: tor-tee-ya In Spain, a tortilla is a kind of omelette, with ingredients added – frequently sliced cooked potato and onion. However, over in Mexico, a tortilla is a kind of flat unleavened…
Tabbouleh Pronounce it: tab-oo-lay Originally from Lebanon, but now popular throughout the Middle East, tabbouleh is a salad made from bulghur wheat (tender, chewy wheat kernels that have been steamed, dried and crushed), tomatoes, onion,…
Truffle Pronounce it: truff-ill The black Perigord truffle isn’t the only truffle. Truffles lauded as Black Diamonds and as having the most heavenly of scents and tastes refer only to a single variety, the true…
Tayberry Pronounce it: tay-berree Like the loganberry, the tayberry is a cross between the red raspberry and blackberry. It is a cone-shaped fruit that can be 4cm (1½ inches) long. It has a strong aromatic…