

Sweetcorn Pronounce it: sw-eet corn Also known as corn on the cob, sweetcorn is composed of rows of tightly packed golden yellow kernels, growing along a tough central core. When ripe, the kernels are sweet…

Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc Pronounce it: sew-vin-yon blonk Mouthwatering and fresh When the world got tired of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc was ready to step into its shoes. The producers of New Zealand led the charge with their…



Sourdough Pronounce it: sow–er-doh Sourdough is a method of leavening bread, based on uncooked bread dough (known as ‘mother dough’ or ‘sourdough starter’) that has soured and been populated by natural air-borne yeasts. It’s likely to…

Spring greens

Spring greens

Spring greens Pronounce it: sp-ring gr-eens Spring greens are the first cabbages of the year. They have fresh, loose heads without the hard heart of other cabbages. Availability Spring greens are at their peak from…

Spring onion

Spring onion

Spring onion Pronounce it: sp-ring un-yun Also known as scallions or green onions, spring onions are in fact very young onions, harvested before the bulb has had a chance to swell. Both the long, slender…



Seaweed Pronounce it: see-weed No matter what the shape or size, and whatever their colour, which ranges from red to black via golds and greens, seaweeds have a common background flavour that might be described…



Samphire Pronounce it: sam-fire Though there are two types of samphire – marsh and rock – only marsh samphire is widely available. Marsh samphire has vibrant green stalks, similar to baby asparagus, with a distinctively…



Salsify Pronounce it: sal-suhf-eye A root vegetable belonging to the dandelion family, salsify is also known as the oyster plant because of its oystery taste when cooked. The root is similar in appearance to a…



Saffron Pronounce it: sah-fron The stigma of a type of crocus, saffron threads have a pungent and distinctive aroma and flavour – slightly bitter, a little musty, and with a suggestion of something floral. It’s…



Sorbet Pronounce it: saw-bay Sorbet is a non-dairy, frozen dessert based on puréed fruit or on fruit juice mixed with water and sugar. It should be very finely grained and have no large crystals of…