

Sauerkraut Pronounce it: sow-er-krowt A diet staple of Germany and much of Central Europe, this is finely sliced cabbage subjected to lactic-acid fermentation. The process begins by adding salt to prepared cabbage; this draws liquid…



Sweetcorn Pronounce it: sw-eet corn Also known as corn on the cob, sweetcorn is composed of rows of tightly packed golden yellow kernels, growing along a tough central core. When ripe, the kernels are sweet…



Seitan Pronounce it: say-tan Seitan (or wheat gluten) is pure gluten, vegetarian protein, extracted from several types of wheat flour by a kneading and rinsing process, after which it is boiled for some time before…



Saffron Pronounce it: sah-fron The stigma of a type of crocus, saffron threads have a pungent and distinctive aroma and flavour – slightly bitter, a little musty, and with a suggestion of something floral. It’s…

Swiss chard

Swiss chard

Swiss chard Pronounce it: swiss shard Also known as plain chard, Swiss chard has large, fleshy, tender, deep green leaves and thick, crisp stalks. Although they’re unrelated, chard is similar to spinach, but with a stronger, more…



Samphire Pronounce it: sam-fire Though there are two types of samphire – marsh and rock – only marsh samphire is widely available. Marsh samphire has vibrant green stalks, similar to baby asparagus, with a distinctively…

Spring onion

Spring onion

Spring onion Pronounce it: sp-ring un-yun Also known as scallions or green onions, spring onions are in fact very young onions, harvested before the bulb has had a chance to swell. Both the long, slender…



Semolina Pronounce it: swiss shard Pronounce it: sem-oh-leen-ah Semolina flour is pale-yellow in colour, high in gluten and used for traditionally made pasta, pizza, bread and biscuit doughs. The term ‘semolina’ comes from the Italian…



Salsify Pronounce it: sal-suhf-eye A root vegetable belonging to the dandelion family, salsify is also known as the oyster plant because of its oystery taste when cooked. The root is similar in appearance to a…



Strawberry Pronounce it: straw-bare-ee Once available in Britain for just a brief period during the summer, strawberries are now a year-round fruit, thanks to imports from warmer climates. However, the varieties grown for export tend…