Peanut butter
Peanut butter Pronounce it: pee-nut butt-ah Peanut butter starts with dry roasting peanuts, which concentrates and heightens their flavour and increases the proportion of oil to solids by getting rid of other moisture. As is…
Peanut butter Pronounce it: pee-nut butt-ah Peanut butter starts with dry roasting peanuts, which concentrates and heightens their flavour and increases the proportion of oil to solids by getting rid of other moisture. As is…
Seaweed Pronounce it: see-weed No matter what the shape or size, and whatever their colour, which ranges from red to black via golds and greens, seaweeds have a common background flavour that might be described…
Coconut milk Pronounce it: ko-ko-nut mill-k Coconut milk is not the slightly opaque liquid that flows from a freshly opened coconut – that is coconut water. Coconut milk is made by grating fresh coconut flesh and…
Clove Pronounce it: klo-ve The dry, unopened flower bud of the tropical myrtle tree family used to flavour a wide variety of sweet and savoury dishes. Cloves can be used whole or ground to impart…
Rice Pronounce it: r-eye-s Rice is a grain, the seed of a type of grass, which is the most widely grown and the most important source of dietary carbohydrate on Earth. Generally grown in flooded…
Miso Pronounce it: mee-soh One of the best-loved and most delicious fermented foods, miso is a Japanese flavouring made by the action of fermenting steamed soy beans with salt and the fungus aspergillus oryzae (kōji). It…
Kamut Pronounce it: Kah-moot Kamut (Khorasan wheat) is an ancient variety of hard wheat, with a kernel that is twice the size of common wheat and a taste that is richer, creamier and nuttier. It is…
Saffron Pronounce it: sah-fron The stigma of a type of crocus, saffron threads have a pungent and distinctive aroma and flavour – slightly bitter, a little musty, and with a suggestion of something floral. It’s…
Frisée Pronounce it: free-zay Frisée, also called curly endive, is a variety of chicory which is frequently used in mesclun (a mixture of baby greens). The attractive pale green leaves are narrow and curly with…
Tempeh Pronounce it: tem-pay Originally devised in Indonesia, tempeh is made from cooked soya beans that are then fermented in sliceable, oblong patties in which you can see whole beans. It is a very important…