
Baking powder

Baking powder Pronounce it: bay-king pow-dah Baking powder is a raising agent that is commonly used in cake-making. It is made from an alkali, bicarbonate of soda, and an acid, cream of tartar, plus a…

Rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil If you want a light alternative to other cooking oils, rapeseed is a great choice and has experienced a surge in popularity since around 2008. It’s produced from the bright yellow rape plant…



Stevia Stevia is a South American wilderness herb with leaves that contain an ingredient of exceptional sweetness. Weight for weight, the sweetening compound in stevia is about 150 times sweeter than sugar but it has…



Okra Pronounce it: oh-kra Originally from Africa, okra is now widely used in cuisines such as Caribbean, Creole, Cajun and Indian. It’s also known as bhindi or lady’s fingers, in reference to the long, elegantly…



Tannin Pronounce it: tah-nin Tannins are found in the skins, pips and stems of grapes. They add a texture in your mouth which is like the drying effect on your gums of stewed tea. In…



Sangiovese Pronounce it: san-gee-oh-vai-zey Ambassador for Italy If you are trying to guess the grape variety in a Tuscan red wine, then there’s a good chance that it will be Sangiovese. It won’t necessarily be…



Tayberry Pronounce it: tay-berree Like the loganberry, the tayberry is a cross between the red raspberry and blackberry. It is a cone-shaped fruit that can be 4cm (1½ inches) long. It has a strong aromatic…



Za’atar Pronounce it: zar-uh-tar This Middle Eastern and Levantine flavouring changes lives once tasted. It’s easy to understand why it is an essential part of daily life in so many countries. The word can mean…

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil A variety of oils can be used for baking. Sunflower is the one we use most often at Good Food as it has a subtle flavour. Other mild-tasting oils include vegetable, corn, safflower…



Lemon Pronounce it: le-mon Oval in shape, with a pronouced bulge on one end, lemons are one of the most versatile fruits around, and contain a high level of Vitamin C. Although the juicy yellow…