Purple sprouting broccoli

Purple sprouting broccoli

Purple sprouting broccoli Pronounce it: pur-pel spr-ow-ting brok-o-lee This untidy-looking, colourful cousin of broccoli can be used in much the same way. Leafier and deeper in colour than calabrese, it adds vibrancy and crunch to…

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir Pronounce it: peeno-nwar Pinot is the Don Juan of grape varieties: a really seductive charmer. It’s hard to grow, but in the right circumstances produces elegant wines of exceptional quality. Pinot will never…



Paprika Pronounce it: pa-preek-ah A spice that’s central to Hungarian cuisine, paprika is made by drying a particular type of sweet pepper, then grinding them to a fine, rich red powder. Its flavour varies from…



Pepper Pronounce it: pep-iz Also known as capsicums, bell peppers, sweet peppers or by their colours, for example red and yellow peppers. These are a non-hot member of a large family that varies enormously in size,…

New potatoes

New potatoes

New potatoes Pronounce it: n-ew po-tate-oes New potatoes have thin, wispy skins and a crisp, waxy texture. They are young potatoes and unlike their fully grown counterparts, they keep their shape once cooked and cut….



Pasta Pronounce it: pah-stah Pasta is the Italian name for Italy’s version of a basic foodstuff which is made in many countries by mixing a fine flour of ground grain with water to create a…