

Peach Pronounce it: pee-ch Sweet, juicy and fragrant, peaches are one of the most beautiful fruit around. Around the size of a tennis ball, they are covered with a velvety down, and most commonly have…

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Pinotage Pronounce it: peeno-ta-zh South African speciality Pinotage is South Africa’s unique grape, a cross between Pinot Noir and Cinsault, created in 1925. For many years it was a workhorse providing quantity but not necessarily…

Purple sprouting broccoli

Purple sprouting broccoli

Purple sprouting broccoli Pronounce it: pur-pel spr-ow-ting brok-o-lee This untidy-looking, colourful cousin of broccoli can be used in much the same way. Leafier and deeper in colour than calabrese, it adds vibrancy and crunch to…

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir Pronounce it: peeno-nwar Pinot is the Don Juan of grape varieties: a really seductive charmer. It’s hard to grow, but in the right circumstances produces elegant wines of exceptional quality. Pinot will never…

Pak choi

Pak choi

Pak choi Pronounce it: pak-choy This member of the cabbage family has a number of different names, including pak choi, bok choy, horse’s ear, Chinese celery cabbage and white mustard cabbage. Its structure looks like…



Panettone Pronounce it: pan-it-oh-nay Tall, golden, enriched brioche-like bread that can be plain or with dried fruits and candied citrus peel, panettone has become a Christmas staple throughout much of the world. Panettone and variations…

New potatoes

New potatoes

New potatoes Pronounce it: n-ew po-tate-oes New potatoes have thin, wispy skins and a crisp, waxy texture. They are young potatoes and unlike their fully grown counterparts, they keep their shape once cooked and cut….



Persimmon Pronounce it: pur-simm-un This thin-skinned, golden fruit requires thought and time to enjoy at its best. When ripe and firm the flesh of traditional varieties is very astringent and unpleasant. However, once fully ripened,…



Prosecco Pronounce it: proh-sekk-oh Bubbling Prosecco is now one of the UK’s most popular alcoholic drinks. Not all varieties deliver profound lasting flavours and the bubbles may dissapear quickly, but this sparkling white wine’s production cost…

Pinot Gris

Pinot Gris

Pinot Gris Pronounce it: pee-no gree Wine bar favourite While the grape is basically the same, wines that call themselves Pinot Gris are usually richer in the elegant Alsace (French) style. A wine that calls…