
Harissa Pronounce it: ha-riss-ah This hot, aromatic paste made from chilli and assorted other spices and herbs is spicy and fragrant. It’s widely used in North African and Middle Eastern cuisines as a condiment, or…

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Hazelnut Pronounce it: hay-zl-nut Grown in Europe and the US, hazelnuts are encased in a smooth, hard brown shell but are most commonly sold shelled. The sweet-tasting, cream-coloured kernel is small and round, with a…


Hummus Pronounce it: hoom-iss, hum-iss Hummus or houmous is a staple of Middle Eastern diets. It’s a purée of cooked chickpeas, flavoured with tahini (a paste of roasted sesame seeds) plus olive oil, lemon juice…


Horseradish Pronounce it: hors rad-ish Horseradish root is larger than an ordinary radish, and has a hot, peppery flavour. It’s more likely to be eaten as a condiment, which can be found in varying degrees of heat….