Apricot Pronounce it: ay-pree-kot A relative of the peach, nectarine, plum and cherry, apricots are fragrant, with a soft, velvety skin that ranges from pale yellow to deep orange. Inside there’s a large kernel that…
Read MoreApricot Pronounce it: ay-pree-kot A relative of the peach, nectarine, plum and cherry, apricots are fragrant, with a soft, velvety skin that ranges from pale yellow to deep orange. Inside there’s a large kernel that…
Read MoreZinfandel Pronounce it: zin-fan-del The American hero Zin was originally thought to be or to be related to southern Italy’s Primitivo, a variety that also produces dark, plummy wines. It has now been proved that…
Grenache Pronounce it: gren-ash Bold, fruity, alcoholic Grenache is the flavour of summer holidays. In France and Spain, it makes juicy rosés, ideal served chilled. It is also a key part of the Rhone blends…
Tempeh Pronounce it: tem-pay Originally devised in Indonesia, tempeh is made from cooked soya beans that are then fermented in sliceable, oblong patties in which you can see whole beans. It is a very important…
Orange Pronounce it: or-ange One of the best-known citrus fruits, oranges aren’t necessarily orange – some varieties are yellow or dotted with red. Types fall into one of two categories – sweet or bitter. Sweet…
Tamari Pronounce it: tam-aree Tamari is a Japanese version of soy sauce, the main difference being that it contains little or no wheat and thus little or no gluten, something that will be apparent on…
Mushroom Pronounce it: mush-room The mushroom is a fungus which comes in a wide range of varieties that belong to two distinct types: cultivated and wild. In myth and folklore mushrooms have always had something…
Green tea Pronounce it: green tee Green tea is precisely what it says. It is the green leaf tips of the tea plant, camellia sinensis, that have been dried without any cutting or tearing (which…
Riesling Pronounce it: ree-zling Wine writers’ favourite Ask wine writers for their favourite variety and the one many will name is Riesling. The reason is its capacity to produce great wines across the world, all…
Rice Pronounce it: r-eye-s Rice is a grain, the seed of a type of grass, which is the most widely grown and the most important source of dietary carbohydrate on Earth. Generally grown in flooded…