Articles by admin

Fenugreek seed

Fenugreek seed Pronounce it: fenn-you-greek seed A popular seed in Indian cookery, in which it’s termed methi, this small, hard, mustard yellow seed has a tangy, bitter, burnt-sugar flavour. The herb of the same name…


Asafoetida Pronounce it: Ass-a-feh-te-dah/Ass-a-feh-tee-dah This is a gum from a variety of giant fennel, which naturally has a horrid and offensive smell, rather like rotting garlic, as in foetid. Yet it is considered the most…

Aduki bean

Aduki bean Pronounce it: a-dook-ee beens The aduki bean is a tiny, reddish-brown bean with a cream coloured seam and sweet, nutty flavour. It is particularly popular in Asian cooking, most often used for sweet…

Agave syrup

Agave syrup Agave syrup (also known as agave nectar) is a naturally occurring sweetener similar in consistency to honey, although slightly thinner. It is extracted from various species of the agave plant, which grows mainly…

Fennel leaf

Fennel leaf Pronounce it: feh-nell leef Its green, feathery fronds look a lot like dill but the fennel herb has a much stronger aniseed flavour. The seeds from which the herb is grown (fennel seed)…



Couscous Pronounce it: koos-koos Consisting of many tiny granules made from steamed and dried durum wheat, couscous has become a popular alternative to rice and pasta. It has a light fluffy texture which is a…

Crab apple

Crab apple

Crab apple Pronounce it: crab app-el A tiny sour apple that either grows wild or is cultivated. There are several varieties that grow in the UK, North America and the Far East. Most crab apple…

Golden syrup

Golden syrup Pronounce it: goal-dun sir-rup Golden syrup is a clear, sparkling, golden-amber coloured, sweet syrup, which can only be produced commercially and was created in London in 1881. It is essentially white sugar/sucrose in…

Bramley apple

Bramley apple Pronounce it: bram-lee app-el A large, flattish cooking apple, green in appearance but sometimes with specks of red. The flesh is white, juicy and acidic and when boiled it turns into a frothy…

Soy sauce

Soy sauce

Soy sauce Pronounce it: soy sor-s An Asian condiment and ingredient that comes in a variety of of varieties ranging from light to dark, and thick to light. It is made from soya beans and…