Articles by admin


Grenache Pronounce it: gren-ash Bold, fruity, alcoholic Grenache is the flavour of summer holidays. In France and Spain, it makes juicy rosés, ideal served chilled. It is also a key part of the Rhone blends…



Mustard Pronounce it: muss-tard A condiment made by mixing the ground seeds of the mustard plant with a combination of ingredients usually including water, vinegar and flour. There are three varieties of mustard plant: black,…


Blackberry Pronounce it: blak-bear-ee A purply black-coloured berry comprising many individual seed-containing fruits surrounding a cone-shaped core. Wonderfully juicy, they’re good raw (straight from the hedge!) or cooked and are bursting with vitamin C. Wild,…

Vegan Thai green curry

Vegan Thai green curry

Cook this tasty vegan curry for an exotic yet easy family dinner. With spinach and sweet potato, it boasts two of your five-a-day and it’s under 400 calories…

  • Prep: 10 mins Cook: 20 mins
  • Easy
  • Serves 4
  • 436



Leek Pronounce it: lee-k Like garlic and onion, leeks are a member of the allium family, but have their own distinct flavour – quite harsh when raw (only very young leeks are eaten this way)…



Peach Pronounce it: pee-ch Sweet, juicy and fragrant, peaches are one of the most beautiful fruit around. Around the size of a tennis ball, they are covered with a velvety down, and most commonly have…

Body – light, medium, full

Body – light, medium, full Pronounce it: bo-dee One of the useful ways to distinguish between wines is to indicate the body of the wine. It’s an indicator of the way the wine feels in…



Tempranillo Pronounce it: tem-pra-nee-yo Spain’s Don Juan Tempranillo is THE red grape of Spain. Central Spain uses it to make bright, juicy reds for drinking now – great low-priced party wines. Further North the same…



Onion Pronounce it: un-yun Onions are endlessly versatile and an essential ingredient in countless recipes. Native to Asia, these underground bulbs are prized all over the world for the depth and flavour that they add…

Baking powder

Baking powder Pronounce it: bay-king pow-dah Baking powder is a raising agent that is commonly used in cake-making. It is made from an alkali, bicarbonate of soda, and an acid, cream of tartar, plus a…