Tannin Pronounce it: tah-nin Tannins are found in the skins, pips and stems of grapes. They add a texture in your mouth which is like the drying effect on your gums of stewed tea. In…
Tannin Pronounce it: tah-nin Tannins are found in the skins, pips and stems of grapes. They add a texture in your mouth which is like the drying effect on your gums of stewed tea. In…
Try these colourful vegan spring rolls as canapés for a party, vibrant with fresh veg and juicy mango. Serve with a sweet chilli dipping sauce
Kombucha Pronounce it: kom-boo-char The ‘cha’ in the name is a clue to the basis of this ancient drink – ‘cha’ means tea and kombucha is based on tea whether green or black. The beverage is then lightly fermented…
Pear Pronounce it: pair Like apples, to which they are related, pears come in thousands of varieties, of which only a small fraction are sold in the UK. Their fine, slightly granular flesh is much…
Pecan Pronounce it: pee-kan Related to the walnut, pecans are native to America, and grow enclosed in a glossy, browny-red oval shell. The kernel inside shares the walnut’s trademark grooved surface but has a slightly…
Fig Pronounce it: fig Although not juicy, the fig is an incredibly luscious fruit, with a delicate aroma and sweet flavour. Originally from Asia, figs are now grown across the Mediterranean and there are hundreds…
Tempeh Pronounce it: tem-pay Originally devised in Indonesia, tempeh is made from cooked soya beans that are then fermented in sliceable, oblong patties in which you can see whole beans. It is a very important…
Tomato Pronounce it: toe-mart-oh A member of the nightshade family (along with aubergines, peppers and chillies), tomatoes are in fact a fruit, but their affinity for other savoury ingredients means that they are usually classed…
Rocket Pronounce it: roh-ket Rocket is a very ‘English’ leaf, and has been used in salads since Elizabethan times. It has a strong, peppery flavour, and the leaves have a slight ‘bite’ to them. If…
Sauté Pronounce it: saw-tay A French term used to describe a method for cooking foods in a shallow pan using high heat. The food is cooked in the pan uncovered, in a small quantity of…