Cavolo nero

Cavolo nero
Cavolo nero
Cavolo nero
Cavolo nero

Pronounce it: ca-voll-oh nee-ro

A loose-leafed cabbage from Tuscany, Italy. The leaves are a very dark green, almost black, hence its name, which translates as ‘black cabbage’. It has a pleasantly tangy, bitter flavour, with a sweet aftertaste. Some people spell this ‘cavalo nero’.

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July through to early October.

Choose the best

Look for crisp, unblemished leaves, with no holes. Avoid cores that are split or dry.

Prepare it

Remove old or damaged outer leaves, cut the leaves free of the core and slice out any tough central stalks. Rinse, then chop or slice.

Store it

It will keep in a cool, dark place or the vegetable drawer of the fridge for several days.


Try cabbage or kale.

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